This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date. Final Cut & After Effects tutorials

Creativecow is a very useful site, providing support for Photoshop, digital video, editing, and media production, broadcasting, motion graphics and film making, including interviews and features.
As well as offering a film library it has tutorials in Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects.
Available from:

Here are some basic tutorials to get you started in Adobe After Effects . . .
Parenting Effects in After Effects with Mathew Fuller
Run Time 10:36 mins
Creating a Run Cycle in After Effects Part 1 with Andrew Devis
Run Time 11:38 mins
Creating a Run Cycle in After Effects Part 2 with Andrew Devis
Run Time 9:12 mins

These tutorials explore options when working between Photoshop and After Effects for text and design . . .
Working with Comp layers with Richard Harrington
Run Time 8:30 mins
Working with 3D Models with Richard Harrington
Run Time 8:29 mins



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Site looks really great Kybor, be great to build some linked tutorials on process.arts of embedded Creativecow tutorials ?

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
This interactive resource, Final Cut & After Effects tutorials, by kcarlsen2 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.