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DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth

From the opening keynote yesterday by Dries Buytaert, the president of the Drupal Association and founder of Acquia, porbably the most active large Drupal company, emerged a clear vision for the growth and evolution of the Drupal community.

In the next few years, Dries was saying, it will be key for Drupal to expand and the community will play the key role in making this happen. There's a real necessity of more coders and more people getting involved and contributing to the open source project. Many governments and private companies have already understood the importance and convenience of open software. But more is needed.

Companies offering services related to Drupal should grow in number and size. This is a necessary step to secure Drupal a prominent role worldwide.

Drupal 8 will offer a new series of very attractive features: a greatly simplified inline editing capacity and an agile and effective adaptive layout, to foster usability, reliability and support for the many different devices out there.

I will look into the Drupal groups active in the UK. There are proposal to gather individuals in south of England, which at the moment lacks a central point of reference. This would represent the first necessary step to evolve in the next few years and offer to educational, governmental and private companies the best service Drupal can offer.

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cfollows's picture

P.s. did you forget the CC license on some posts? We need to fix the auto cc in the personal profile cheers 

cfollows's picture

It's great getting these updates from the conference, I've been tweeting. #drupalcon #munich but will be away for few days so will not be able to feature or tweet. I will email but can you also please email the support contact on front page and ask them to feature the relevant posts if they don't , have you a twitter. Also there's a bug on having image a top of post preview text don't show, of you can move down to second sentence will fix this. Keep up the good work :) cheers

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
This Work, DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth, by mdurante1 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.