process.arts - Comments for "Importing Content from other blog" Comments for "Importing Content from other blog" en Blog posts etc <p>Hi Chris</p> <p>As you may have guessed I have started to use Process Arts more than my blog, I'm beginning to discriminate between what I want to archive or memo from workshop perspective and what would be better shared as a learning resource. The two are very similar but there is a subtle changes in the voice I use and the 'How To' style of my process posts.</p> <p>Thanks for the reply, I'll upload some content in due course</p> <p> </p> <p>Steve</p> Thu, 10 May 2012 10:04:43 +0000 swood comment 1591 at Hi Steve,Sorry no easy way <p>Hi Steve,</p> <p>Sorry no easy way at the moment but its on the general agenda to make moving things around lot easier, one thing were looking into is to develop a drop box style plugin for the process.arts file browser so you can upload, copy, share and move your open files (eg take your content with you easily)</p> <p>Downloading and packaging whole PA posts is also something were looking into.</p> <p>Regarding your question is a copy and paste job I'm afraid, .... but be good to see some of those great blog posts on here as OERs :)</p> <p>Cheers Chris </p> Thu, 03 May 2012 14:27:00 +0000 cfollows comment 1577 at