process.arts - Comments for "Looking for a Graphic Designer / Printmaker to help create art work for film project (Low Paid)" Comments for "Looking for a Graphic Designer / Printmaker to help create art work for film project (Low Paid)" en Hi thanks for your post, <p>Hi thanks for your post, you've encouraged us to develop a new 'arts jobs' forum on process.arts, we added your post to this, hope it's ok with you? Be interested to see if you have any response. Good luck </p> <div>  </div> <div> Ps do you produce resources at all, staff training etc...? You could explore developing a company profile on process.arts that gives an insight into professional practice, may be able to find some small funnding from UAL DIAL project to pilot something along these lines? </div> <div>  </div> <div> Have you seen the Sally Potter SP-ARK film archive ?</div> Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:56:00 +0000 cfollows comment 1865 at