process.arts - Comments for "DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth" Comments for "DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth" en P.s. did you forget the CC <p>P.s. did you forget the CC license on some posts? We need to fix the auto cc in the personal profile cheersĀ </p> Wed, 22 Aug 2012 10:48:39 +0000 cfollows comment 2078 at It's great getting these <p>It's great getting these updates from the conference, I've been tweeting. #drupalcon #munich but will be away for few days so will not be able to feature or tweet. I will email but can you also please email the support contact on front page and ask them to feature the relevant posts if they don't , have you a twitter. Also there's a bug on having image a top of post preview text don't show, of you can move down to second sentence will fix this. Keep up the good work :) cheers</p> Wed, 22 Aug 2012 10:28:07 +0000 cfollows comment 2077 at