process.arts - Comments for "Sand Casting - INTRODUCTION Philip White &amp;amp; jenny dunseath" Comments for "Sand Casting - INTRODUCTION Philip White & jenny dunseath" en A lot of the old small <p>A lot of the old small suppliers are all closed now unfortunately, the best bet is to contact <a href="" title=""></a> and see if they have any London contacts? Thanks</p> Sun, 09 Feb 2014 11:48:00 +0000 Anonymous comment 3580 at could anyone help me source <p>could anyone help me source good quality green sand 100/150 grit in London? </p> Fri, 07 Feb 2014 16:18:15 +0000 Anonymous comment 3578 at Thanks for sharing this find, <p>Thanks for sharing this find, videos look great.</p> Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:11:44 +0000 cfollows comment 2481 at I'm just beginning to look at <p>I'm just beginning to look at sand casting as something I'd like to try. In answer to your questions I found some good ingredient ideas and technique demonstrations with notes on what's being used and how it works by viewing the <a href="">myfordboy channel on</a>. He's got a lot of videos of him making and fitting forms together along with core making. Perhaps that will help. Brandon</p> Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:11:00 +0000 Anonymous comment 2478 at Thanks for the comment,I <p>Thanks for the comment,I agree with your observation regarding the design of the Cope and Drag I intend to work on the problem.We have had good results with several split patterns using these boxes,however I can see that using cores will make handling the Cope difficult.</p> <p>Can you give me any advice on the best ingredients for core mixes?We now have a considerable student interest in sand casting and we need to keep it simple.</p> <p>Thanks again</p> <p>PHIL</p> Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:00:14 +0000 old-admin comment 406 at Fantastic set of videos. Cope <p>Fantastic set of videos. Cope and Drags look well made. However, the V-alignment blocks would only be any good for flat back patterns. When split patterns are involved, especially those involving cores already placed in the drag, proper vertical descent of the cope is needed long before the cope and drag meet each other. This cannot be achieved with the V-alignment blocks.</p> Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:59:45 +0000 old-admin comment 405 at Because the sand is used in <p>Because the sand is used in a damp condition there is minimal sand dust,and this occurs at the mould face immediately arround the hot metal casting ,clearly visible when the casting is knocked out.</p> Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:55:26 +0000 old-admin comment 404 at Just wondering -- is there <p>Just wondering -- is there any danger of silicosis with this kind of sand? I would love to know if it is it safe to do this kind of work without the need for an expensive respirator, since I'm interested in doing sand casting (on a budget!). message from <a href=";v=Kmb5tivQ_bY" title=";v=Kmb5tivQ_bY">;v=Kmb5tivQ_bY</a></p> Mon, 17 Jan 2011 21:53:58 +0000 old-admin comment 403 at