process.arts - Comments for "Developing digital literacy @ GSA" Comments for "Developing digital literacy @ GSA" en Hi Vic Really appreciate <p>Hi Vic<br /><br /> Really appreciate your feedback, really helpful and its great to know DIAL blog, experiences and resources are useful beyond our institution. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the 'Digital litter' project and related projects at GSA, be great to build on these foundations and consider future collaborations. We're busy compiling the DIAL interim report so will share this update at the end of the month, we also have our year one evaluation report due in the next couple of weeks and the first pilot projects are busy compiling their resource outputs for publishing.  We also have a new digital programme at UAL developing so will be interesting to see how DIAL informs this process.<br /><br /> Would GSA also be interested in collaborate/involved/consultancy in this project as it develops, specific developing the generic use of resources and the testing MOOC development? - <a href="" title=""></a><br /><br /> All the best.<br /><br /> Chris</p> Wed, 17 Oct 2012 10:30:00 +0000 cfollows comment 2293 at