process.arts - Comments for "Improving Your Prospects through Online Profiles debate at Enterprise Week" Comments for "Improving Your Prospects through Online Profiles debate at Enterprise Week" en Don’t be a tweet, you might regret it <p>This recent article <a href="" title=""></a> in UALs paper is very relevant to the debate we are having above, its great to see these issues being discussed here in our student run newspaper:</p> <p>"When recruiting for a new job, companies usually use credit checks to find out about a potential employee’s background.</p> <p>However, social media has become an effective new tool to get to know a prospective member of staff on a personal level.</p> <p>It has become common knowledge that employers are checking potential employee’s social networking pages to decide whether or not they make for suitable candidates for the company – meaning that one inappropriate status update or photo could mean the difference between success and failure."</p> <p>See full article - <a href="" title=""></a></p> Mon, 26 Nov 2012 12:42:00 +0000 cfollows comment 2369 at