process.arts - Comments for "Laser cut Sphere" Comments for "Laser cut Sphere" en Many thanks for taking the <p>Many thanks for taking the time to comment and feedback on this post, I would agree in part with what your saying, this would be the ideal, although that would be the ultimate aim and goal and it could/should hopefully come in time. I think each post should be taken in context.</p> <p>I think we have to first applauded those that make the first steps in to new open online practices for 'giving it a go'. We can also develop the site into a more wiki style group contributions style site so we make posts open for others to add all those extra elements and enhance the resource. I don't think we should expect every post on sites like this to be perfect as I feel that would put most people off from ever giving it ago or contributing in the future.   </p> <p>Many thanks</p> Tue, 26 Jun 2012 13:50:00 +0000 cfollows comment 1809 at Another "I did this!" <p>Another "I did this!" micro-descriptive posting. It would be more useful if more information were given, such as materials description, source of the laser cutting, problems encountered and how they were overcome, a photo of the completed sphere, etc. I would expect a more complete account of the project from people with a college degree.</p> Sat, 23 Jun 2012 21:46:30 +0000 Anonymous comment 1796 at