process.arts - Comments for "From MOOC to Personal Learning" Comments for "From MOOC to Personal Learning" en ‘This change will be the end <h1 class="content__headline js-score"> ‘This change will be the end of the Open University as we know it’</h1> <p>But staff say abandoning many of the opportunities for face-to-face contact and support will change the OU’s ethos.</p> <p>But other online experts say that although they are excited about the possibilities offered by Moocs, they recognise their limitations, particularly when it comes to engagement.</p> <p>“The great difficulty with Moocs is that by far the largest proportion of people who take them are highly qualified professionals,” says Diana Laurillard, professor of learning with digital technologies at the Institute of Education. “The kind of learning they deliver isn’t well designed for people who want to try out university. At that stage of your learning you need a lot of scaffolding and hand-holding and feedback on what you are doing.”</p> <p><a href="" title=""></a></p> Tue, 20 Oct 2015 09:33:51 +0000 cfollows comment 3743 at MOOCs – 9 points on what I <p>MOOCs – 9 points on what I like, and what I don’t - <a href="" title=""></a></p> Thu, 15 Oct 2015 09:36:45 +0000 cfollows comment 3739 at