process.arts - Comments for "Face and hand casting using Alginate" Comments for "Face and hand casting using Alginate" en To buy glass eyes see <p><font color="#000000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><font size="2">To buy</font> glass eyes <font size="2">see</font> 'eyedentity'<font size="2"> ...</font>You should be able to find them under 'eyedentity products'.</font> - <a href="" title=""></a> (Tip from <span class="rwRRO" title="">Tracy Lilley</span>)</p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/u12/screen_shot_2013-04-17_at_10.15.49.png" style="width:381px;height:262px;" /></a></p> Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:16:00 +0000 cfollows comment 3368 at