Chris Follows PA mails en Dear John <p><a href="">I'm trying to give up emailing</a> and I've been meaning to start an open conversation/email/PA mail section on process.arts and I'm starting with this email.</p> <p>I keep emailing you in my head for ages but I forget this technology does not exist...yet.</p> <p>I'm sorry really not the best at keeping in touch via emails, facebook etc ), I do everything through process.arts now (you can join :) - <a href="" title=""></a> ), I visit other places occasionally. <a href="">I'm trying to give up emailing</a> and I've been meaning to start an open conversation/email/PA mail section on process.arts and I'm starting with this email.</p> <p>Cheers Chris</p> Chris Follows PA mails Mon, 14 May 2012 13:43:39 +0000 cfollows 1326 at