Things unlimited forum en 2 or 3 things to start <p>To kick-off this project we want to feel the pulse and reflect as Library Services staff, on our needs, desires and abilities in regards to web 2.0, IT communication methods and other learning/social technologies.</p> <p>You can post under your own name (by logging into Process Arts) or you can remain anonymous (reply to this post without logging in), as we would like to here from everyone, even if you would normally shy-away from contributing to public discussions. This project is intended to help develop and grow our collective strength, and build up strong communities of support that each of us can contribute to, or turn to when we need support.</p> <p>We would like to know now:</p> <ol><li>  What tools would you like to be able to know more about and use? (i.e. you know little or nothing about them-beginner level)</li> <li> What tools would you like to know MORE about and use in more ways? (i.e. you know enough to get-by, but you know these tools can do so much more- intermediate level)</li> <li> What tools do you think you could help others to understand and use more effectively? (i.e you are a Zen master/black-belt/the person everyone asks about these tools- expert level)</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p>Also we would like to know, in reference to specific examples:</p> <ul><li>  In general, what stops you from learning about a new tool? Is it time (I would love to play but I don’t want to give up sleep), is it confidence (I fear I could break the internet, or look foolish) or is it relevance (I don’t see these tools as relevant to my work)?</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>Please be as honest and open as possible as this will help to build a community that can support each other and improve our collective knowledge and increase our confidence and resilience when faced with the continuing ebb and flow of the digital world.</p> Things unlimited forum Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:45:07 +0000 dbracegirdle 1425 at 23 things? <p>Here is a good example of a 23 things program (well, 25 actually)</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>This particular example is for researchers. We thought this could be an approach for Library Services staff here for various reasons - its practical, so you do set things up, and learn something in a practical way, its also reflective as the people doing it use the tools they set up to reflect on and share progress, its flexible.</p> <p>Quite a few questions though - what structure? How original? Many of these have Creative Commons licenses, and of course there is material in various places, including process.arts, so how much reinvention of the wheel? How generic, specific to our own environment? </p> <p>Jess</p> Things unlimited forum Wed, 23 May 2012 16:19:05 +0000 jcrilly 1391 at Contact list for 23 things for UAL <p>Please say hello and let us know who you are.</p> <p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/u12/23_things-forum640.jpg" style="width:640px;height:250px;" /></p> Things unlimited forum Tue, 22 May 2012 14:55:05 +0000 cfollows 1387 at