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open practice identities

Professional Online Identities project overview

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technological c

Drupal UAL open source web development drop-in session

A 2 hour drop-in sessions where Students and staff can drop-in and talk with UAL Drupal web developers.

Eckhart Tolle: Ego vs. Habit Pattern

See video

Excerpt from Can We Make Friends With The Ego also see: How to drop your ego and assert your essence identity (real I) Eckhart Tolle -

Professional Identities Workshop #legoseriousplay

Reflections on the First Workshop on Professional Identites.

Introduction into digital copyright

A mystery revealed - Copyright, design, trade mark and patents for students (Workshop 1) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online

Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online (Workshop 2) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Representing Identities (Part 1: Method)

See video

Lego serious play - A short introduction to research where people are asked to make things as part of the process; with particular focus on the Lego identity study, see: