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Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Professional Online Identities (POI) Pilot Programme 2013/14


This pilot programme will explore the challenges and benefits of delivering web making support and training.

Term One: November/December 2013

No. Training Sessions Date  Time Location Tutor Available For
1 Introduction to the POI programme 2013/14 Thursday 7th

5 - 6
1 hour

D115 CSM POI Team


Session Over

2 Introduction to web development: Session 1 Tuesday 12th

5 - 7
2 hours

C303 CSM

Simon King


Session Over
3 The Objective Design Process Thursday 14th

5 - 7
2 hours

Learning Zone
Mark Wells 


Session Over

Introduction into digital copyright

Monday 18th

5 - 6
1 Hour

D105 CSM Silvia Baumgart
Session Over
5 Design Implementation - Blogging Thursday 21st

5 - 7
2 hours

D115 CSM Mark Wells 
Session Over
6 Web development: Session 2 Tuesday 26th 

5 - 7
2 hours

D113 CSM Simon King
Session Over

Creative commons sharing and promoting your work online

Thursday 28th November

5 - 6
1 Hour

D115 CSM Silvia Baumgart
Session Over
8 Drinks event - Reflection, Feed back Friday 6th

5 - 7
2 Hours

D115 CSM POI Team
All Welcome


Project Information

This pilot programme will explore the challenges and benefits of delivering web making support training for final year students and staff on the Performance Design and Practice (PDP) course at Central Saint Martins, although we would welcome all interest and contributions into future development from all UAL staff and students. Once we have the formal programme fully developed and tested we aim to showcase our findings and experience as good practice to UAL and the sector and look for this training to be better supported and embeded. We would also like to start developing online learning resources (short animations and videos) for all the programme activities and create a online course - POI MOOC.

The DIAL project found many staff and students were lacking vital basic web building knowledge and skills, students and staff have told us they would appreciative some advice and support in this area. There was a general feeling that having a basic understanding of web environments, processes and developments should be viewed as a important requirement of any professional, training professional and practitioner. Read more about DIAL student engagement.

Term 2 sessions TBC post evaluation (Dependent on 2014 funding)

Term Two: Unknown Dates (Dependent on 2014 funding)

No. Training Sessions Date  Time Location Tutor Available For

Drupal web development drop-in: Session 1

TBC UP DATE IN PROGRESS TBC CSM TBC (Dependent on 2014 funding)
2 Drupal Workshop Session 2 TBC UP DATE IN PROGRESS TBC CSM TBC (Dependent on 2014 funding)
3 Introduction into social media terms and conditions TBC UP DATE IN PROGRESS TBC TBC TBC (Dependent on 2014 funding)
4 Lego Serious Play identity work Part 2 (details to follow) TBC UP DATE IN PROGRESS


CSM TBC TBC (Dependent on 2014 funding)
  If you would like to contribute to this project please contact POI Course Template       (Dependent on 2014 funding)


Short term aims:

Offer a pilot face-to- face training training programme supported by online resources to a specific cohort of students (CSM). 

Identify and offer bespoke/new training and create unique communities of interest (online on offline) where staff and students learn together.

Long term aims:

To develop this programme into a college wide resource in the future.

Encourage college wide engagement and interest. 

Encourage UAL to consider and support the integration of web building/cultures and skills into future developments of college wide standard curriculum.

Thanks to:

Chris Follows | DIAL Project Manager (Digital Integration into arts Learning) CLTAD

Chrissy Kelly & Lucy Wright | OD&L Digital Literacy

Simon King (CCA), Mark Wells (LCF), Silvia Baumgart (Own-It) | Term 1 POI trainers

Denisa Dumitrescu | DIAL Researcher/Ambassador

John Jackson & CLTAD team | e-learning support at CLTAD Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design

Grzesiek Sedek | Web Developer Wimbledon College of Art

Michael Spencer & Fred Meller | Performance Design and Practice (PDP) course staff

CSM Infrastructure team

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14, by cfollows are Reserved.