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Research & practice

Designs on elearning conference: OER reuse stories

Title: OER reuse stories: exploring reuse of open educational

Creative Commons licences explained

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By Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand with support from InternetNZ. To find out more about Creative Commons in New Zealand visit us at

Process.arts overview and context (1st draft)

process.arts is an open online resource sharing day-to-day arts practice and research

process.arts has maintained a sustainable and

Open Educational Resources: The Value of Use

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The University of Oxford recently released their JISC funded

James O'Leary disusses drawing from drawing at The British Museum

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Postgraduate art students and UAL faculty had the opportunity to study and take

OER Grounded Theory

thumb image

Grounded theory1 consists of looking for commonly recurring patterns of activity and behaviour in order to

Creating and Teaching Art Online with John Casey and Chris Follows of ALTO and Process Arts

thumb image recently attended the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC), a gathering of educators and professionals interested in the availability and application of free online college course

ALTO and the benefits of putting learning resources online

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In this video Stephen Farthing Rootstein Hopkins Research Chair of Drawing at the university of Arts London gives is reactions to the idea of sharing learning resources and the ALTO project.

William Furlong, Speaking of Art

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William Furlong belongs to the generation of British
artists (which includes Gilbert & George, Bruce McLean
and Richard Long) that developed a new concept of

Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal

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In this video John Casey and Chris Follows from the University of the arts London discuss the Arts Learn