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Research & practice

iTunes Ual ?

More and more universities seem to be promoting and joining iTunes U, YouTube or Vimeo etc, few have their own in-house video repositories and are using iTunes U, YouTube or Vimeo etc as their prim

DIAL project 2-minute video update

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A video overview of the DIAL (Digital Integration into Arts Learning) project part of the JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme - http://dial.myblog.

Process.arts Finalists for the 2012 People's Choice Awards

Congratulations to the Winner: African Virtual University voted the "Most Progressive" resource in the second Educa

Developing Professional Online Identities project at CSM Centre for Performance

Presentation information for The Centre for Performance programme team and 90 + students meeting at CSM on 7 Jan Monday morning from 10;30am to introduce the following project (

What does open educational practice mean to you?

We had our forth ‘open education at UAL drop-in/focus group session at WCA 26/04/2012 following on from previous sessions at (CSM, LCF and CCAD) the sessions are part of a CLTAD project colla

CLTAD Teaching Development Projects

This group contains a collection of outputs from Teaching Development Projects complete

Case study Pt2: OEP & process.arts at UAL

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Part 2 of a 60 minute presentation (see part 1) by Chris Follows who leads a presentation followed by discussion o

Open Education in Practice. Hard and soft skills for creating open educational resources (OERs) and open content communities

Crowd and cloud: towards a collaborative future, 5 – 7 September 2012

A Fair(y) Use Tale

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Developing your online professional identities