This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.


The ALTO Ecosystem

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We have been

ubu offers a platform to explore interesting film and video content.

Ubu is brilliant - providing umlimited material of featured resources, contemporary projects, artists interviews, a hugh film and video archive, video artist, experimental film makers, sound art, h

Find creative commons images with

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This site searches CC Flicker images you can use in your practice, this site specialises in finding creative commons images, have a go and please let us know what you think and how you used it, is

NAM web development overview and update 30/04/2012

To develop an innovative resource for teaching and learning that will integrate images, audio, video and multimedia pieces into an innovative resource.

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) Free Image sharing site, a place to find images.

Xpert Attribution tool

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This is a brilliant creative commons media search, the returned results are all embed with the Creative commons attribution information in the found content so reducing the amount of time taken to

UAL Archives and Special Collections Online Catalogue

The archives and special collections of the University of the Arts London are composed of a rich and varied range of materials, some unique or rare, and examples

BUFVC launches pioneering federated search environment

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An innovative 'all-in-one' search engine allowing users to access nine online databases, containing more than 13 million records via a single entry point, has been launched today by th

Kultur project - Creative repositories for the arts

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Kultur, a project that is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and that uses the world-leading EPrints software from the University of Southampton, has developed a joint pilot r

Finding and using images in your teaching: class activities

Activity 1: Using Flickr to find Creative Commons licensed images (see full documents attached .docs)