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London College of Fashion

Christine Tsui video recording

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The Origin of ‘Fashion’ in Chinese: Imported or Created?
Christine Tsui
It is widely rega

Angela Finn and Amanda Smith video recording

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Built for Niche: Rethinking the Role of Manufacturing in Developing Designer Fashion in New Zealand
Angela Finn and Amanda Smith


Amanda Ericsson video recording

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The Life of Dress, Mexico
Amanda Ericsson
This paper is a summary of a field study made in Mexico du

Adwoa Agyeman video recording

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Africa’s Design Industry: From Creative Pursuits to the Business of Fashion  

Adwoa Agyeman


Abby Lillethun video recording

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The Photograph and Fashionable African Men
Abby Lillethun
Several groups across Africa merge local a

Joke Schrauwen and Anouk Mennes video recording

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The Country-of-Origin-Effect on a Domestic Fashion Market
Joke Schrauwen & Anouk Mennes
One way

Jean M. Borgatti video recording

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Why Africa? Why Now? The Designs of Ade Bakare
Jean M.

Toby Slade video recording

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Cool Biz and Sumptuary Regulations in Japan
Toby Slade
With the sudden energy crisis in Japan, preci

Sharon Peoples video recording

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Wrapped in Cloth
Sharon Peoples
In Canberra on 13th February 2008 Ngunnawal Elder, Matilda House, re

Unita Chandan and Anna Lottersberger video recording

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Investigating Consumer Perception of Western Retail Models in Bangalore, India: An Explorative Study on Concept Stores
Unita Chandan and