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About project Groups on process.arts

Project groups on process.arts provide individuals, project teams, courses, conference groups or communities of interest a place to cluster groups of user generated content together, group forums can also be created. Users outside UAL can create accounts and fully contribute. Groups require primary initiator/s to help set up and steward (support and build) the community of practice, the more active groups will be featured on the front page and on this list. When adding resources please choose a group if relevant from the drop down tab.

Once a community can commit and want to take 'ownership' of a specialist section we can develop this requirement appropriately. If you would like to propose a group on process.arts you would like to create and manage please contact  

How to add your post to a group:

A group needs to be set up first by the process.arts administrator.

When you create a post you will see a drop down Projects tab, just select the group you'd like to associate your content with (only one group per post)

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
This Work, About project Groups on process.arts, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.