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Submitted by plindley on 13 November 2009 - 12:48pm
Light sheet aluminium, in this case 22 gauge or 0.71mm thick is easily worked, and while impractical to solder, lends itself well to pop riveting as a fixing method.
Submitted by plindley on 13 November 2009 - 12:20pm
The coloured acrylic of this piece consists of those scrap pieces found around the machines in the workshop that have been used to shape the components of student work, over a period of approximate
Submitted by plindley on 13 November 2009 - 10:43am
Paul Lindley (CCW) 26 Spheres, 27 Cubes - Widening scope of and access to technical information. In collaboration with Process Arts this practical research exercise investigates the wide
The four stages of Sand Casting Process a basic Introduction tutorial with Philip White and Jenny Dunseath in the foundry at Camberwell college of Art London.