This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021. It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date. - Founded in 1976 at the inception of the media arts movement, the Video Data Bank (VDB) is a leading resource in the United States for video b
Submitted by processarts on 21 July 2011 - 12:43pm
Brilliant video that clearly illustrates Lottie Child’s Street Training manual, Lottie talks about workshops and techniques she has practiced with children, young people and adults.
Submitted by annamcandrew on 7 February 2011 - 3:40pm
Transcription of Audio Piece - I don't really understand it, I'm struggling to see how it started, like, sometimes, I don't know, I, even if it's like a squiggle I like to have an