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Presentation skills

 This DIAL supported group aims to support presentation skills project overview

Challenges in creating a voice over video

Overview Laura North, the DIAL leading person for the Presentation Skills Project and myself have

Video presentation skills project overview

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technological c

Video presentation skills workshops – an overview

Our objective for the DIAL online presentation skills community was to work out ways of developing video presentation skills with students.

Project plan for video presentation skills workshops

Here is the Project Plan for the collaboration between LCF, DIAL, Speaking Out and SEE to develop

Developing video presentation skills

My blog post Lights, camera, action: presentations skills and video sums up the outline for the

Quick Tips for Confidence: Introduction

See video

Katie has created lots more videos with top tips and tricks for planning and delivering great presentations, follow the link for more  

Speaking Out as a Creative: Alison James

See video

Alison James, Head of Teaching and Learning, London College of Fashion, shares her tips on presentation confidence and skills.

Podcasting - Steeple

Steeple is a JISC funded UK Higher Education community project, led by Oxford University, the Open University, and Cambridge University.