This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

Add your details to the Digital Maker Collective profile list


If you have been actively involved or have just started contributing to the Digital Maker Collective and would like to add your details to the Digital Maker Collective profile list, we need the following information, please complete this form and send it to Chris Follows Your profile will be added to this profile page online.

  • Your Name
  • Photo of you
  • College/group or company
  • Course/year
  • Student/staff/alumni/industry etc
  • Your interests in emergent digital technologies & digital making
  • How you contribute to the digital interests groups
  • What you get from the groups and/or think about digital interdisciplinary peer supported interests groups
  • Your website/online any practice links
  • Your social media links

The Collective hold regular meet-ups in the CCW Digital projects Space at Chelsea (A216) as well as in other UAL colleges, we also meet at the Tate, in the Tate Exchange. to get involved see - Contact & Communication Digital Maker Collective

digital_maker_collective_profile_add_name_here.docx498.95 KB
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CC0 1.0 Universal
To the extent possible under law, cfollows has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Add your details to the Digital Maker Collective profile list.