Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities
Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities
See a full overview of the DIAL Online Identities projects at UAL here.
Phases 1:
Between 2011 and 2013 the DIAL project at CLTAD University of the Arts London explored the challenges and benefits of Professional Online Identities . The project explored the potential impacts of being or not being present online on our careers and professional and personal development.
Lessons Learned
- Lack of support: Little or no support in online practices at course level
- Course integration: We found difficulties running/fitting in this training with busy course teams and department staff
- Awareness: Students & staff would like to be more aware of this practice
- Students would like this training: Students across all years preferred and appreciated being asked/supported and encouraged into developing their digital skills and practices in this area
- Defining DLs and competencies: needs to be an agile on-going process
- See full DIAL report and executive summery here
Phases 2:
In 2014 CLTAD DIAL project won funding as part of the HEA Changing the learning landscape project. Four student community developers were commissioned to establish communities within their colleges to explore and discuss issues relating to professional online identities.
Lessons Learned
- Web making: There is a need for more information on how to build your own website.
- Course integration: The communities felt that information about establishing an online identity/presence was important and should be part of the course from the first year onwards.
- Industry input and insights: So to understand professional perspectives
- Face-to-face and online tutorials/training: The communities felt they would like a mix of both.
- More staff awareness and knowledge: The communities felt staff need to know more about online identities and professional presence.
- Industry and discipline specific: Be mindful when developing training of the different creative industries across UAL, which have such different expectations and ethos. Students also wished to share experiences across disciplines and colleges.
Phases 3:
Learning from the lessons and recommendations of the previous two projects DIAL 2014 will explore best practices in the development of ‘Personal Learning Networks with an aim of creating a student led Creative Online Identities course/website.
Project Plan:
Aug to Oct
Stakeholder scoping (Staff, students, Industry etc.)
Sept to Nov
Student led workshops/activities: explore different approaches to engaging student and staff communities in participation in the project, in line with the project aims and objectives. For this we will employ various different alternative ‘focus group’ approaches such as:
- Informal social spaces physical
- Informal social spaces online (twitter chat)
- Online event – Google hangout (live chat)
- Commissions (alternative engagement approaches)
- Learning studio events
- Symposium/Conversation (live streaming event)
Rapid web development: Agile web development using Drupal
Oct to Dec
Pilot online learning/personal learning networks activities
Dissemination: (Proposal for a Online Identities Symposium)
Findings and recommendations
This Work, Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities, by Featured is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.