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Creative online identities project


Develop an online/offline open interest group and sustainable learning environments for supporting, training and developing ‘Creative Online Identities’.

Context: Building on the work from the DIAL 11/13 Professional Online Identities (POI) project and other related project work.

Working with: Course Leaders, other UAL staff, industry, alumni and students in the development of an online/offline Creative Online Practice interest group.


·       Informal face-to-face workshops and consultation

·       Explore & Develop online learning environments, including social media use.

·       Development of ONLINE workshops, activities and consultation (Collaboration with SEE, Own IT & OD&L)

·       Development of ONSITE workshops, activities and consultation (Collaboration with SEE, Own IT & OD&L)

·       Deliver JISC NETSKILLS workshops at UAL ‘Visitor and Residence’

·       HE Academy Changing the Learning Landscape project, please see project information attached


Result: Experiment and support the development of a sustainable online learning network, creating new processes, training, resources and learning environments.

Collate evidence for developing a unit for Creative Online Practice to support course leaders in this subject

Create a UAL standard for Creative Online Practice i.e. good practice in social media integration in L&T practice

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