Current issues and approaches in developing digital literacy (DIAL presentation)
DIAL presentation of JISC webinar, four DL projects discussed what digital literacies are and why it is important for universities and colleges to develop the digital literacies of their students and staff. We will look at some of the issues to consider when planning an institutional approach to developing digital literacies, and projects from Jisc’s Developing Digital Literacies programme will highlight some of the approaches that they have found effective in their own contexts.
Presenters: Helen Beetham and Sarah Davies (Jisc), Neill Witt and Anne McDermott (University of Plymouth), Nadja Guggi (University of Reading), Chris Follows (University of the Arts, London), Mark Kerrigan (University of Greenwich)
Full Recording and presentation
Link to recording (opens in Blackboard Collaborate)

This Work, Current issues and approaches in developing digital literacy (DIAL presentation), by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.