DIAL Badges development
This is the first section of the development looks into a few of the aspects that came up in our first meeting. I started by experimenting with a wide range of basic shapes that could be developed.
This next section starts to look at how to visualize the progression of the learner (beginner, intermediate, expert etc).
The next sheet develops on the shapes created so far but focuses on the Drupal group as a test to experiment with.
I then move on to look at how to brand the whole 'badge' system may look and experiments with the idea of creating a UAL platform rather than using the Mozilla backpack.
This final section is an amalgamation of all the previous aspects and is a quick mock up of how the badges work in a system/website and could be displayed along with other elements.
(please ignore the white spacing between some of the images, they had to be sliced to fit on this posting)
And more badges ... http://ijms2013.wordpress.com/exhibition/
This is interesting for the UAL digital badge design work for DIAL, see this link about student Charlie Patterson's work with badges - http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2013/june/chelsea I like the idea of producing physical badges, could be a good collaboration?
Hi Fred, really great seeing your progress and process in an info-graphic journey like this. I'm really liking all the designs you've explored, we'd need a skype chat to go through them all in depth. Loving the symbols and how these combine with shapes, also really like the transparent designs, the transparent blue cubes are nice too, could we try a cylindrical version also having related text or images on some of the surfaces?
This all really all comes together with your examples of badges pages, group pages and individual pages, these really give a great idea of how these could be presented.
All realy exciting, many thanks for your hard work on all this.
...... I came across this story today and thought the Blue plaque concept may work in terms of the idea of levels of group residents.
Wow! Looks brilliant Fred, ... will feed back once I've had time to sit down and look through all your work, next week. Thank you, great work.
WOW!...Looking good, keep up the fab work!