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Drupal UAL team and developers

Please see below team members and developers: 

Badge type: Drupal UAL

Drupal UAL The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open source’ web environments and projects. Read more here and on the drupal UAL forum.

To help explain what Drupal is, it may be helpful to understand what Drupal isn’t or what makes it different from other web software. What is a Drupal?

Community coordinators: Tutors/group leaders


Drupal UAL Tutors include:

Grzesiek Sedek Senior Drupal developer & (Specialist technician at CCW)

Michele Durante Student Drupal developer 3rd year students at WCA

Chris Follows (DIAL project manager) and Drupal developer.


UAL: Badges based on participation in the Drupal UAL community 

Anyone who has attended a Drupal UAL workshop and are happy to be associated to the group as a Drupal UAL: Visitor. Visitors are interested in keeping in contact with the group, future workshops, making contacts and keeping an eye on the developments and resources.

Drupal UAL: Visitor

Drupal UAL: STAFF Developer  Drupal UAL: STUDENT Developer

Staff Name 1

Staff Name 2

Staff Name 3

Staff Name 4

Staff Name 5

Student Name 1

Student Name 2

Student Name 3

Student Name 4

Student Name 5

An active participant in the group, attended workshops and posted ‘resources’ on Drupal UAL and supported members of the community. Drupal UAL Members are participants at their own pace they may dip in and out of the group but generally contribute every now and then when time. Members have started to develop their first Drupal website/test site.

Drupal UAL: Member

Drupal UAL: STAFF Developer  Drupal UAL: STUDENT Developer

Staff Name 1

Staff Name 2

Staff Name 3

Staff Name 4

Staff Name 5

Student Name 1

Student Name 2

Student Name 3

Student Name 4

Student Name 5

A Drupal UAL Resident is an active participant in the group, and supporting others in the group, will support training and drop-in sessions and add resources to the group site and forum area regularly. Residents will have experience in fully developing live Drupal websites

Drupal UAL: Resident 

Drupal UAL: STAFF Developer  Drupal UAL: STUDENT Developer

Chris Follows:
Profile | Contents | Site 1 | Site 2 | Site 3 | Site 4 | Site 5

Staff Name 2

Staff Name 3

Staff Name 4

Staff Name 5

Student Name 1

Student Name 2

Student Name 3

Student Name 4

Student Name 5


Drupal UAL: Developers

Contact Details:

1. Grzesiek Sedek Senior Drupal developer & (Specialist technician at CCW)
2. Michele Durante Student Drupal developer 3rd year students at WCA
3. Chris Follows (DIAL project manager) and Drupal developer -

Other possible badges Non-Drupal UAL badges (general badges) could include:

  • Open Practice badges - Community Stewarding Peer interaction and support
  • Open practitioner
  • Comment support
  • Open education resource provider - instructional video - resource hand-outs - blogger
  • Online webinar 
Average: 3 (1 vote)
4068 reads
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
This Work, Drupal UAL team and developers , by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.