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Hi Mike,

I'm thinking about ways to gather process arts feedback. Maybe some sort of feedback tab somewhere ?

I guess it would require a feedback form that post to a list?


/////////////////For my records the following would need adding:////////////////////////////

It seemed really an intuitive site, not as unwieldy and ambiguous as Blackboard.

I liked the fact that I was able to post content alongside student posts, I felt I was reaching the right audience.

I was also impressed by the information shared and available and I wanted to be part of that and hopefully share something of equal value. I will post again in future and let others know about the site.

Stephen Wood Senior Theatre Metalwork Technician Wimbledon College of Art Tel: 020 7514 9739 Internal Tel: 9739

3421 reads


prcadmin's picture

There are lots of ways we could do this Chris. Do you want all the feedback to be visible to visitors? Or just to the site admin?
Some sites have a feedback tab which appears on the side of the browser window, and stays in the same place even when you scroll. Any thoughts on that?

old-admin's picture

Yes I think a visible feed back section somewhere open to all to see and contribute?