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'Key Point' Branding & Identity Project For Alto (OER) Competition...

Sample of A Student's Resource Booklet (Pack) with inserts
(Cover & Back Cover: Sample of A Student's Resource Booklet (Pack))
(Cover: Sample of A Student's Resource Booklet (Pack))
(Back Cover: Sample of A Student's Resource Booklet (Pack))

This is the inside of the 'What's the Key Point' OER Pack, it contains inserts and guidance, aiming to inform the new students about their course information, giving a taste of what awaits for them throughout the years.

The pack also consists of: Provisional Timetables and Course Modules, to give the students a brief idea of what the course is all about...

P.S. You are very welcome to access the full project at my blog:
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This interactive resource, Key Point Branding Project For Alto (OER) Competition..., by Janaina Baxevani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. There are alternative licensing options available.