Kirklees College Ceramics Video Sketchbook Sally Hargreaves
In this video Sally Hargreaves begins by describing the role of sketchbooks in her work and development as an arts student, in this case, in the discipline of ceramics. She then gives a tour through her Sketcbook, showing the use of visual references, documentation of work, technical matters, design ideas and colour references. In this video we can trace the the development of a concept from initial ideas, through various stages right to the final product.
For those new to art and design, sketchbooks are an important, practical tool for any art student. They are a place in which visual references and inspirations can be recorded, and then responded to in order to explore, develop and refine ideas. These ideas can then be further pursued outside the sketchbook in whatever medium is relevant to the individual student (in this case ceramics).
Sketchbooks are also an essential vehicle for communication between teaching staff and students. Staff can see what the student has been looking at and what they have done with this material so far. This opens up a space in which the way forward can be discussed. As digital technology enters into our art school practice we can expect to see more online, multimedia forms of the traditional sketchbook appearing. Again, for those new to art and design subjects, it should be borne in mind that each student is endeavouring to find their own 'voice', so much teaching is on a one-to-one basis rather than through mass-delivery to a class whose members are expected to hold a common, single view. For example, a course teaching people to become opticians would want every student to have the same understanding of their subject - there is no room for an individual 'take' on how the laws of optics work. The reverse is of course true for arts subjects - society requires that practitioners create an individual view of things, and it is this uniqueness that is valued.

This Work, Mark Clough, Sally Hargreaves ALTO project, by Mark Clough, Sally Hargreaves ALTO project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.