Learning Studio Workshop on Digital and Social Media
The Learning Studio is a community of practice (CoP) around learning technology use in Art, Design and Media within UAL. It is open to anyone to join and participate in, whatever your role or current use or experience of learning technology. At this workshop there will be hands-on activities and demos on things like video, lecture capture, resource sharing and other technologies for teaching, learning and research. All are aimed at non-expert users. If you want to contribute to the workshop and talk about something that you are using in your own practice, please do so. There will be a range of activities, and the approach is very informal; colleagues will simply be talking about how they are using a variety of approaches in their teaching and learning.
Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design
Learning Studio Workshop on Digital and Social Media
What: Workshop in Digital & Social Media for Teaching and Learning
Where: Room 418 at John Princes Street, LCF
When: 16.30 - 18.30 Monday May 23rd
We currently we have the following contributors confirmed and have a couple more in the pipeline:
1. Ollie Furlong will share his recent findings on affordable options for lecture capture.
2. Pete Cranston will talk about the UAL Sandbox – a test facility for staff to sample new tools and technologies.
3. John Casey will introduce UAL’s Open Educational Resources project, Arts Learning & Teaching Online (ALTO).
4. Chris Follows will be available to demonstrate Process Arts, a resource sharing site for arts processes.
5. Lindsay Jordan will be there with some Flip cameras in case anyone wants to have a play with quick, simple video capture & editing.
Please just turn up at any time and for however long you like. As usual, there will be cake and fizzy pop.
For a flavour of the experience, see Ollie decorating a cupcake at http://process.arts.ac.uk/content/cup-cake-video and Lindsay talking about Flip video cameras at http://process.arts.ac.uk/content/documenting-practice-flip.
For more information about the Learning Studio please e-mail Paul Lowe at p.lowe@lcc.arts.ac.uk.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Lindsay Jordan
Lecturer in Learning and Teaching
Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art & Design
University of the Arts London
+44 20 7514 9322
CLTAD Workshops & Short Courses - http://www.arts.ac.uk/cltad/workshops_short_courses.htm
Mybbsite - http://www.arts.ac.uk/mybbsite/index.html
CLTAD Website - http://www.arts.ac.uk/cltad.htm

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