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Let's Talk About Graduate Destinations: Workshop 09 Dec 2014 16:00 to 18:00

Student Enterprise and Employability (SEE) is running a staff development workshop series for all UAL staff who want to understand the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE).  The workshop series is an opportunity to better understand and use DLHE data: what they are, what they mean, why they are important and the relationship between these statistics and the curriculum.  

16:00 - 18:00 Tuesday 9 December, D103, CSM Kings Cross, N1C 1AA

Who is this for?
Relevant for teaching staff, course leaders and programme directors, but any staff member is most welcome to join in this informative session. These workshops are simply to help you use the DLHE data to learn more about your own graduates. 
Objectives of the workshop:

  • To understand the DLHE data on your course, at your college/UAL and within the broader context of HE.
  • To be able to log in and use the stats towards curriculum and course development at any time.
  • To discuss and understand the relationship between the stats and the curriculum

Please use this link to access the booking form

Other information
Refreshments will be provided.

Please bring your laptop or tablet if you have one. 

Further information

This workshop series has been organised by Cath Caldwell and Katrine Hjelde, Academic Coordinators for Student Enterprise and Employability (SEE).  Feel free to email them if you want to know more.

More information about SEE.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Let's Talk About Graduate Destinations: Workshop 09 Dec 2014 16:00 to 18:00, by croth are Reserved.