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'Making the Invisible Visible' project

The 'Making the Invisible Visible' project was an experimental approach to documenting and sharing the thinking and making behind the production of a piece of work.The wearable technologies included a GoPro headcam that was analysed on film capture software Camtasia. An iphone was used to capture short films and voice recordings, stored and analysed using Evernote and a digital dictaphone was used for longer musings and recording conversations. Both a blog site and Community Open Online Course site were used to document the process and aid further reflective activity. These were the technologies that were readily available to me for the research at this stage, just need to get my hands on some Google Glass...

A film that documents the project:

Making the invisible visible_ Research project 2014 from Jo Neil on Vimeo.


Attached is a paper written for the OER14: building Communities of Open Practice The Centre for Life, Newcastle, 28-29 April 2014 (in collaboration with OCWC, Slovenia, 23-25 April 2014. The paper explores how sharing a creative process is a form of Open Educational Resource and asks:

• What does a visible process look like?

• What insight does recording the process give me about my own practice?

• What insight does recording the process give others’ about my own practice?

Creative Commons License
Making the invisible visible_paper_for-OER14 by Joanna Neil is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, 'Making the Invisible Visible' project, by feltlikeit are Reserved.