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My studio & first portrait

Studio 1
Studio 2
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Computer montage 1
Computer montage 2
Oil paint table

Studio and details slides: I started a portrait, first portrait I've painted and first time I've painted with a brush for a while although been using my fingers, painting knife a springy, shaped, metal spatula and rags.

Been trying to get the colours right as the original picture was taken on my phone and is not great.

Computer montage 1 and 2: Preparatory work, I used a computer to overlay early sketches and actual photo to see where I was off target, I used coloured lines to make the differences, blue was painting, black was original outline.

Detail 2: I squirted the paint here straight on to the canvas from the tube, I like the smooth action and the fluid nature of drawing like this, will explore this more.

See my studio site here:

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, My studio & first portrait, by cfollows are Reserved.