Podcasts of Round Table Discussions from Paris now available

The IFM hosted the third "Fashion Colloquia", a two-day international event in Paris on October 4th and 5th 2012. The colloquium was organized in tandem with the London College of Fashion, Domus Academy, and the Parsons New School for Design. Each day was given over to a particular theme that formed the basis of round-table discussions and contributions from international experts.
The value of know-how in the fabrication of products:
With Marco Belfanti (University of Brescia), Maud Lescroart (Sophie Hallette lace company), Marie Demaegdt (Confédération européenne du Lin et du Chanvre/CELC). Round-table moderator : Pascal Gautrand, designer (IFM/Management 1999).
The role of fashion capitals in the reinvention of design: Paris
With Barbara Trebitsch (Domus Academy, Milan), Wendy Malem (London College of Fashion), Hans de Foer (IFM), Simon Collins (Parsons, New York),Rebecca Voight (Fashion journalist, T Magazine, Paris), Gustavo Lins (Fashion designer).
Round-table moderator : David Zajtmann (IFM).
Podcasts are available through this link http://www.ifm-paris.com/en/component/flexicontent/items/item/61145-fashion-colloquia-an-international-event-in-paris.html