Screenwriting course from University College Falmouth
A free online 10 unit screenwriting course from University College Falmouth's MA Professional Writing -
screenwriting unit is designed to build your knowledge about story telling and focuses on the writing of TV, radio, short film and feature film scripts. Whilst primarily dealing with forms of dramatic fiction, you'll also look at documentary and documentary drama. You'll analyse different forms of script writing and screen writing, the elements they have in common and the specific tools that can help to deliver better scripts in each medium.
Purpose / Aim of this session:
Welcome to Session five of our online course. In this session we will be looking at one of our favourite aspects of screenplay writing -- character development. Who are your characters, how do they think, feel and act?
This session has been split into two parts:
Part one -- Discovering your character
Part two -- Realising your character within your script
For more information about this session, assignments and how to post your work, please visit:

This Work, Screenwriting course from University College Falmouth, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.