Stockwell Studios
This is Stockwell studios, process.arts will be working with studio artists and designers to gain insight into professional practice.
The History - Annie McCall Hospital / Cultural and Heritage
The Annie McCall Hospital is a social and historical landmark. Founded by Annie McCall in 1914 it has been a cornerstone in Stockwell’ history. Gertrude Leverkus was one of the first women architect’s and designed the annex. The site has strong emotional associations with for the local populace as generations were born there. It is historically significant because it is a building founded and partly designed by pioneering women. When it ceased to function as a health facility in 1981 it was prey to vandals and dereliction prior to being occupied in 1987. Today, the building known as Stockwell Studios maintains a purposeful elegance, designed to be effective and serve its local community. The Stockwell Studios Bi-Annual Open Studios are attended by a growing number of former users of the hospital, mothers, children and midwives. Some of the children are now in their 60’s and return to our events regularly. We have a memory and comments book where these important stories are documented and added to our archives.
In 2004 artist Adrian Palka received European Regional Development funds for the Annie McCall Heritage project. This was an inter-generational community education pilot programme. It consisted of workshops, exhibitions, events and outings, 2 artist placements at local schools and website development. An oral history of personal reminiscences of mothers who gave birth there was produced. This way a way to preserve their experience and memories which are now at the Minet Library for permanent reference. A crucial component of the project was to reinforce existing links and establish new partnerships within our local community through the provision of arts led initiatives and highlighted the education Stockwell Studios can provide in Lambeth.
The building’s former use is commemorated by the large, distinctive metal storks designed by a studio member and situated above the main entrance to the building. The artists have persistently supported the building as an historic site. Recognition has come since 1999 in the form of inclusion in the Open House Programme which we have featured in four years, the last one in 2005. This London-wide event attracts hundreds of people, allowing them access to buildings of architectural importance.
Stockwell Studios Artists
Providing 24 working spaces, they have been run and used by artists and craftspeople since the late 1980s and formed into an Industrial Providential Society with charitable aims. The variety of work produced here is one of the strengths of the group; this includes painting, sculpture, mosaic, stained glass, baroque, musical instrument manufacture, glass design, ceramics, performance, film, installation, printmaking and illustration.
As well as their studio work many of the group also teach art subjects in schools, colleges and other community organisations. Currently there are more than 70 artists on our waiting list for studio space and we get weekly enquiries.
Current members:
Anna Odrich, Chris Follows, Eli Seath, Geoff Routh, Jack Barraclough, Jenny Dunseath, Jim Bradley, Julie Norburn, Julie Sullock, Lucy Casson, Matthew Dart, May Anderson, Miranda Payne, Munirah Olton, Naama Yuria, Neel Bahkle, Sarah Nunes Fernandez, Sarah Riley, Sue Blandford, Teresa Paiva, Vanessa Billy, Jo Gibbs, Roger Smith,
Associate members:
Geoffrey Bartholomew, Sarah Wang, Charlotte Turton, Ilga Leimanis, Sam Porritt, Tod, Tim Cuncliffe, Flo Brooks, Jo Miller
More details: and

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