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Time Scale for project

This shows the time scale for the student community developers that we are working with on the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' project. Over the space of one month they will be developing a community of interest within there colleges to discuss a number of varying issues related to sharing practice and collaborating online.

The project has been split into four week, with the suggestion that the student community developers meet with their community groups at least once a week, whilst developing online resources, forums, data collection and analysis and write ups of research.

The community developers have been given free range on how they do this, as long as it is accessible and open, inviting people to join in the discuss and develop the project collaboratively. 


Week 1 (23/05/14 - 29/05/14)


  • Make video to advertise community and get people interested. Video needs to be roughly 20-30 seconds.
  • Develop a community of participants to discuss professional online identities, this can be both students and staff.
  • Set a first meeting, this should be roughly 2-3 hours. It could be two shorter meetings over the week, or one meeting/workshop.
  • Write up any findings from the first meeting. 


Week 2 (30/05/14 - 05/06/14)


  • Arrange second meeting/meetings with community. In this meeting you may want to start thinking about any resources that students and staff feel they need to develop their online professional identity etc.
  • Research some of the issues raised in the community meetings with the rest of your college community. This could be done in the form of face-to-face research, online research, hand outs etc.
  • You may want to think about how you can bring external people into your community, such as industry experts, journalist, app developers etc.
  • Write up findings from the second meeting/meetings.


Week 3 (06/06/14 - 12/06/14)


  • Arrange a third meeting with the community. In this meeting you might want to think about how issues brought up within the community can be addressed and what resources you need to do this. You can suggest ways that the university input into this.
  • Write up findings from the third meeting.
  • Research what university help is already in place and look at it critically, what works and what doesn’t, what else could be developed etc.


Week 4 (13/06/14 - 19/06/14)


  • Arrange fourth and final meeting of the community. In this meeting you might want to look over everything you have discussed and what could be done to implement any ideas etc. You should develop resources with the group and discuss how you can present the findings.
  • Meet with the graphic designer to discuss how you want your findings presented
  • Finalize any resources created, online or offline.


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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Time Scale for project, by Joe Easeman are Reserved.