Understanding Image Resolution - OEP Project Summary
Link: http://ssamsoodin.workflow.arts.ac.uk/understanding-image-quality
The resource ‘Understanding Image Resolution’ is an open educational information resource available via Workflow, which aims to provide a basic understanding of image resolution and how to resize an image using Adobe Photoshop.
After identifying a key source of difficulty across the university through my practice as an educator and beyond, as a practicing mixed media artist; understanding image resolution and how to resize an image, I aimed to create and embed an information resource to aid learning on this subject.
Despite the content in the resource existing on the internet in various formats I aimed to create and promote an easy to follow, quality assured, accessible resource to provide information on the topic. I felt the resource would be beneficial to my practice and those of other educators because of the quality of content and the improved accessibility features of this resource in comparison to others.
This downloadable and printable resource holds the potential for deeper learning through activity (Marton et al, 1984) as it allows users with access to a printer to interact with the resource further by adding notes of their own, re-writing or re-mixing the content through the activity of cutting and pasting.
The additional use of a pastel colour background behind text and use of Plain and Accessible English further improves its' accessibility and visibility to users.
The project was successful and helped me to gauge potential challenges of creating open educational resources for teaching in the arts, which I will draw on in my Teaching Development Project next term.
Please note this resource will evolve over time and be able to respond to user comments and feedback. For more information on the resource, to contact me, or to leave feedback on the resource please visit click on the link here: http://ssamsoodin.workflow.arts.ac.uk/understanding-image-quality or message me via ProcessArts.
I look forward to hearing from you.

This Work, Understanding Image Resolution - OEP Project Summary, by ssamsoodin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales license.