This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

Users who are not logged in cannot see the amount of views or comments a post has on main page

Users who are not logged in cannot see the amount of views or comments a post has on main page, this information is only visible when logged in.

2161 reads


prcadmin's picture

Hi Chris,
The "reads" value is only visible to admins at the moment. Do you want everyone to be able to see it?

cfollows's picture

Hi Mike, I think so, people are used to seeing this type of information, it may also encourage users ? Cheers

prcadmin's picture

Enabled reads for authenticated users, working on the comments count...

cfollows's picture

Thanks Mike !

prcadmin's picture

All users can now see these stats, even those who're not logged in.
Chris - please close issues if you think they're fixed - thanks.