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Victoria Kelley TDP Summary

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cfollows's picture

Thank you, very interesting, I'm really interested in the idea of participation and groups and individuals being open and closed and also being 'forced or coerced' or encouraged is maybe a better word into openness and participation and the motivations for doing and interacting with the group. Did you also explore confidence, motivations to participate (marks/rewards) and room dynamics as part of the intervention and what impacts these had? ... I like the card idea, the digital version of that I guess would be comments on a post ... I've used all my cards up :)

I wrote a bit here about open practice (in terms on online participation) and found Brookfield interesting: 

In the circle everyone is inward facing, visible and in a position of dominance, part of the group. For the confident students this is not a problem, although there is always the problem of the dominant student taking over the group or students feeling they should just say something for the sake of it. For the less confident and shy students this configuration can be intimidating, Brookfield (1995) quotes Kreisberg (1992) describe how 'painful and humiliating experience' it is to be forced into a position of openness and exposure in an unfamiliar environment. The students have no opportunity to sit back and observe the tutor in practice, the student needs space and time to check out their environment and teacher so they are sure and secure enough to contribute to the community so they can open up and thrive in this environment. The circle does not allow LLP for students to find their place in the community.  From  

AdamGrice's picture

I just had a look at your video as a kind of yard stick to measure my submission by Victoria, but I'm really happy that I did - this is such a clever idea to get people to quantify the frequency of their contributions :) Nice.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Victoria Kelley TDP Summary , by vkelley are Reserved.