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Why Do We Need a Generation of Innovative, Adaptable, Creative and Open Minded Graduates in the 21st Century?

I had my first day of uni today, I am embarking on a BA in Education, Culture and Society at Goldsmiths. My fellow classmates, mostly British  from diverse ethnic backgrounds were very welcoming however I couldn't help notice when we introduced ourselves that a lot of people already knew what they wanted to do after their degree -  a primary or secondary teacher. 

When I got home I was talking with a friend about the other students who seemed to limit themselves by setting pretty specific aims and goals for their futures before even starting their degree. Our two points of views clashed. 'But is it wrong that they already know what they want to do? Some people just know it.' And so it got me thinking, was it wrong? And why is it important to be open minded in the 21st century?

In todays society our futures are so uncertain, we've evolved technologically faster in the last 10 years then over the past 100 years and we have no clue what is in stall ahead. Not only is it important to be innovative, creative, and open minded for ones personal benefits and journey through life, but also because of the lack of jobs, high competition and need to change our current education system in order to ensure a sustainable and ethical future for everyone. It is our responsibility as the next generation, but also as the ones who have the privilege and access to higher education to think creatively about how we can improve and change the world. 

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Why Do We Need a Generation of Innovative, Adaptable, Creative and Open Minded Graduates in the 21st Century?, by annamcandrew are Reserved.