Will the introduction of a framework for drafting a pattern from an existing garment, help to improve student understanding of constructing an original garment from a drawing?
Overall the students all seemed to gain something from the intervention, whether increased confidence or actual abilities, it seemed to help with their understanding of how to construct a garment from an original design, and would be worth trying again on a broader scale. I gained an improvement in understanding the how differences in students learning styles and previous experience can affect their actual and perceived benefits of learning activities (Moon 2005, Kolb 1984). The learning activities, including learning how to draft a pattern from an existing garment, seemed to help many of the students engage with their own concept of garment design, and ways in which to approach the realization of these ideas into original three dimensional garments.
The research project has been a fascinating journey, which has opened up my thinking regarding many different aspects of how I approach learning and teaching. Developing a research question, and testing out an intervention that seemed to benefit the students has improved my confidence regarding making suggestions regarding the curriculum. Being able to put the teaching theory from the learning and teaching evaluation into immediate practice through the action research project facilitated the realization of my own pedagogy.

To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Will the introduction of a framework for drafting a pattern from an existing garment, help to improve student understanding of constructing an original garment from a drawing?, by Clare Sams are Reserved.
Yes, this is a new requirement of the course. I think that the idea is to create an accessible way to disseminate the action research carried out on the PG Cert. I'd never done a video before, and the AV technician at Back Hill was very helpful. He set me up with a Mac with an integral camera. It was both good and bad to be able to see myself whilst I was talking, but I feel it turned out Okay. I didn't know what the creative commons license was, so I left it blank....do you think it is important?
I think this video is great! I've been thinking of doing some talking interview type videos myself, good to see some examples here. Look forward to seeing more. Was this a requirement of the pgcert course or did you just decide to do it? Have you thought about adding a creative commons licence?