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Curriculum Development Fund: Awarded Projects

SEE and CLTAD have announced their winning curriculum development projects, a funding scheme to support staff at University of the Arts London to experiment, research and develop new knowledge of e

Graphics Process Blog

graphicsprocess a fantastic resources currently being developed and designed in coordination with technical teaching at BA Graphic Design Communication at Chelsea College of Arts in London.

Talking Textile Careers - BA Textile Design Alumni Nadia Ricketts

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BA Textile Design Alumni Nadia Ricketts answers year 2 students' questions about textile career directions in Weave.

Project funded by SEE Curiculum Funding

UAL Pilot: Creative Attributes Framework for Enterprise and Employability

Creative Attributes Framework explains how enterprise and employability learning forms a core part of the curriculum in arts, design and media degrees at University of the Arts London (UAL).

Talking Textile Careers: BA Textile Design Alumni (CSM) Derek Lawlor

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BA Textile Design Alumni (CSM) Derek Lawlor answers year 2 students' questions about textile career directions in Knit.

Project funded by SEE Curriculum Funding

Talking Textile Careers: BA Textile Design (CSM) Alumni Sian Zheng

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BA Textile Design Alumni (CSM) Sian Zheng answers year 2 students' questions about textile career directions in Print.

Project funded by SEE Curriculum Funding

Karl Vodrey TDP The Technical Project video summary 305MB

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This video is showing the printed textile department at the Royal College of Art.

Joanna Neil at CCW Digital MakerSpace day

Joanna Neil | lecturer for textiles, fashion, interior design and design disciplines at University Centre Blackburn College and a PhD student based in the School of Education at the Univers

Digital Disruption of the Educational 'Institution'

There are a huge number of potentially disruptive business models for digital delivery of educational experiences and content emerging outside of traditional educational institutions.

Plants as Sensors: The Digital Practice Exchange at CCW

The ‘CCW Digital Makers Group’ at UAL’s Camberwell, Chelsea & Wimbledon (CCW) Colleges of art recently started a new initiative to help share practice across courses and colle