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Suckerfish menus

See video

Some other suckerfish menu links to explore, will try some out in drupal and see how they work ?

Drupal drop-in sessions at LCC and LCF

As part of the DIAL project  and UAL Communities o

Drupal Con Munich 2012 / An opportunity to enhance students' HE experience

I want to signal to the community the series of talks hosted at this year summer meeting of the Drupal community which are

Drupal UAL drop-in sessions

As part of the DIAL project  and UAL Communities o

DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth

From the opening keynote yesterday by Dries Buytaert, the president of the Drupal Association and founder of Acquia, porbably the most active large Drupal company, emerged a clear vision for the gr

DrupalCamp London 2013 - Robert Douglass Keynote

See video

DrupalCamp London 2013 - Robert Douglass Keynote

See more videos on DrupalCamp London -

DRUPAL CON 2012 Munich /**/ a possibibily for students to join the Drupal community

From 20 to 24 August this year, the Drupal community will gather in Munich.

Drupal UAL contacts/mailing list

UAL are forming a drupal UAL (open source web development) community, if you would like to be involved please leave your details and your brief background history

Banner files for Drupal UAL

Please see attached below Banner files including photoshop docs for Professional Online Identities project. 

Stopping spam bots account requests Honeypot

See video

I had a problem with stopping spam bot account requests, hundreds weekly - I had removed comment or account requests from the sites but still got loads of spam. I had installed