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Jean M. Borgatti video recording

Watch this video!
Why Africa? Why Now? The Designs of Ade Bakare
Jean M.

Katherine Ladd

Africa, Meet Africa: Concoctions Of Identity In West African Textiles   Katherine Ladd University of Brighton, UK

Anne Peirson-Smith

Redressing the fashion sustainability paradox in Hong Kong and China: an examination of tailor-made promotional practices underpinning sustainable production, consumption and post-cons

Adwoa Agyeman video recording

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Africa’s Design Industry: From Creative Pursuits to the Business of Fashion  

Adwoa Agyeman


Jean M. Borgatti

Why Africa? Why Now? The Designs of Ade Bakare    Jean M.

Jennifer Craik

Australian Indigenous Inspirations in Contemporary Fashion: Scratching the Surface or Channeling the Country?   Jennifer Craik

Katalin Medvedev video recording

Watch this video!
Old Motifs for New Motives: Looking for the Roots of Change in the Contemporary Cambodian Fashion Scene
Katalin Medvedev

Images of the 2nd Non-Western Fashion Conference

Please visit our Facebook page for images on the 2nd Non-Western Fashion Conference:

Emma McClendon

Accessorized with Politics: Alexey Sorokin's Modern Russian Look at New York Fashion Week   Emma McClendon The Museum at

Miriam J. Woods

Machine-Sewing Traditional Clothing in Tajikistan: National Fashion, Individual Artistry   Miriam J.