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How to drop your ego and assert your essence identity (real I) Eckhart Tolle

See video

The ego is humans greatest enemy but is has to be understood and 'not' treated as a enemy but neither as a friend. Eckhart Tolle explains 'why'..

Drupal UAL open source web development drop-in session

A 2 hour drop-in sessions where Students and staff can drop-in and talk with UAL Drupal web developers.

Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online

Creative Commons - sharing and promoting your work online (Workshop 2) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Introduction into digital copyright

A mystery revealed - Copyright, design, trade mark and patents for students (Workshop 1) | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Copyright and IPR for CSM staff and POI project team (STAFF ONLY EVENT)

The Professional Online Identities project see overview will identify and develop specific digital li

Understanding good practice for improving Social visibility

This session is designed to raise student awareness of media formats, for basic image editing for the web, for example file sizes resizing, compassion, naming best practices and colour profile for

Dissemination and good practice for saving rich media for use online

This session is designed to raise student awareness of media formats, for basic image editing for the web, for example file sizes resizing, compassion, naming best practices and colour profile for

Design Implementation - Blogging

Design Implementation - Blogging | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

The Objective Design Process

The Objective Design Process | Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14

Lego Serious Play identity work

The Lego Serious Play identity work sessions below have been designed as a pilot for the The Centre for Performance programme staff and students at Central Saint Martins college of