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London College of Fashion

Emma Dick

The Business of Constructing Female Identity Through Fashion in Uzbekistan   Emma Dick  Middlesex University, UK

Simona Segre Reinach

The shifting interests in Sino-Italian Fashion Collaborations

Malika Kraamer

Ghanaian Fashion and the interplay between African and National notions of heritage   Malika Kraamer De Montfort University,

Jean M. Borgatti

Why Africa? Why Now? The Designs of Ade Bakare    Jean M.

Christine Delhaye and Rhoda Woets

Refashioning Africanness as a lifestyle: Vlisco fabrics and wax cloth fashion in Ghana   Christine Delhaye University of Amst

Joke Schrauwen and Anouk Mennes

The Country-of-Origin-Effect on a domestic fashion market   

Anne Peirson-Smith

Redressing the fashion sustainability paradox in Hong Kong and China: an examination of tailor-made promotional practices underpinning sustainable production, consumption and post-cons

Sharon Peoples

Wrapped in cloth   Sharon Peoples The Australian National University, Australia

Toby Slade

Cool Biz and Sumptuary Regulation in Japan   Toby Slade  University of Tokyo   

Moshe Levy

Return to our forefathers’ glory?